Kara Lough

Relation to me:



My mum was born in Takapuna, New Zealand. She grew up in New Zealand with her two brothers and her mum and dad. During her childhood, however, it was not just those 5 in the house they lived in, they also always had an extra person in their household whether it was a family or an uncle. This made her childhood home quite crowded and busy. With there being only 3 bedrooms and one bathroom in their house, it meant that my mum had to share a bedroom with her two brothers which she found really annoying and she said that they constantly picked on her because there was always two against one when with her brothers. As a child, she was quite sporty. She played netball and cricket. In her cricket team, she was the only girl and she didn’t really care. My mum thought that this would surprise me but it didn’t. My mother has always been a big reader. So am I and I definitely get that from her because my dad hates to read and will avoid it whenever he can.


My mother was baptised as a baby but never really practised that religion so she doesn’t believe that that had any sort of impact on her life.

Earliest Memory:

I was quite surprised that my mum could remember something from when she was three years old, I know I can’t. The earliest memory I have is like when I was 6. Her earliest memory, at age 3, was her feeding a pet lamb from a bottle at her grandparents' farm.


She said that her parents were always supportive of her and her siblings and would run around after them taking them places. My mother must have appreciated this and knew how much it helped her because she does the same thing for me and my brother.

Some extra photos of my loving mum:

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